Everpure RO Module Replacement Cartridges

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Everpure RO Module Replacement Cartridges

Choose the Pentair Everpure reverse osmosis (RO) replacement cartridges to deliver RO and blended filtered quality water for multiple foodservice applications, including coffee, espresso, steamers and combi-ovens. These high-output systems help minimize scale and corrosion due to high total dissolved solids (TDS) and chlorides. Proprietary Fibredyne filtration media reduces sediment, chlorine taste and odor and other contaminants to ensure reliable, efficient equipment operation and deliver optimal beverage quality.
  • Capacity: Up to 600 gallons (2,271 lpd) per day nominal
  • Easy, quick cartridge change-outs
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Everpure RO Module Replacement Cartridges
Everpure RO Module Replacement Cartridges
SKU#: Product2G_1620468885850422

Models / Specs

Item #ImageModel NumberGallons Per Day (GPD)Inlet TDS (PPM)Pack Size
4002575 EV962703-mr-225 GRO-75EN 75 500 16
EV927369 EV962703-mr-225 MR-20 21 1500 1
EV962703 EV962703-mr-225 MR-225 225 1500 1
EV962707 EV962703-mr-225 MR-350 350 1500 1
EV962711 EV962703-mr-225 MR-100 100 1500 1
EV962722 EV962703-mr-225 MR-600F 600 1000 1
EV962723 EV962703-mr-225 MR-600-1 600 1000 1
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