Everpure PTS Replacement Cartridges

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Everpure PTS Replacement Cartridges

Provide cleaner, fresher ice with the Pentair Everpure PTS replacement cartridges. PolyTrix gradient-density depth filtration reduces dirt, rust, and other particulates as small as 5 microns to assure quality water and help inhibit corrosion and scale formation.
  • IsoNet scale inhibitor technology
  • Easy, quick drop-in cartridges
  • Certified under NSF/ANSI Standard 42
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Everpure PTS Replacement Cartridges
Everpure PTS Replacement Cartridges
SKU#: Product2G_1620468885850384

Models / Specs

Item #ImageModel NumberFlow Rate (GPM)Flow Rate (LPM)Micron RatingPack Size
252-00810 252-10810-pts-10-6pk PTS-10 2.5 9.5 5 1
252-00820 252-10810-pts-10-6pk PTS-20 5 18.9 5 1
252-10810 252-10810-pts-10-6pk PTS-10 2.5 9.5 5 6
252-10820 252-10810-pts-10-6pk PTS-20 5 18.9 5 6
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