Everpure BWS 1500 Replacement Pump

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Everpure BWS 1500 Replacement Pump

Increase your equipment's efficiency, performance and lifespan with the Everpure BWS 1500 replacement pump for the BWS reverse osmosis (RO) 1500 system. This rotary vane pressure pump helps assure consistent production to maximize performance for various foodservice applications.
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Everpure BWS 1500 Replacement Pump
Everpure BWS 1500 Replacement Pump
SKU#: Product2G_1620468885890850

Models / Specs

Item #ImageModel NumberGallons Per Hour (GPH)Inlet ConnectionInlet TDS (PPM)Outlet ConnectionPressure (PSI)
700-82014 Rotary Vane Series 4 215 1/2" NPT 5000 1/2" NPT 100
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