Making an Impact: Carbon Footprint Reduction

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Oriana Raabe
Oriana Raabe serves as Senior Director of Sustainability at Pentair


Making an Impact: Carbon Footprint Reduction

At Pentair, we recognize that reducing our impact on the environment is essential to making life better for people and the planet. This includes taking steps to address the climate change challenges of the future by reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through our Low-Carbon Transition Plan (LCTP). You can read more about Our Impact on the planet in our recently released 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report and Highlights Report.

What are Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

GHGs are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. Although different gases have different heat trapping potential, the total impact of GHGs are measured as carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), which is why GHG emissions are sometimes referred to as carbon emissions. While some of these gases are naturally present in the atmosphere, humans have increased and changed the amount of the gases in the atmosphere through activities that burn fossil fuels.


Strategic Target:
We are targeting reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% from a 2019 baseline by 2030, and aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, in each case related to Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions.

2023 Highlight Progress:
In 2023, Pentair’s total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions decreased 30.9% compared to the 2019 baseline.

How do Greenhouse Gas Emissions Change the Environment?

Excess amounts of GHGs in the atmosphere have the effect of trapping heat, which contributes to climate change. As the climate changes, this impacts the overall environment in multiple ways, including changing weather patterns, temperature, and water availability. Changes in these key environmental factors can have wide reaching impacts on plants, animals, and people – such as what crops can grow in what area and frequency of severe weather. Pentair and many organizations around the world have made a dedicated effort to reduce GHG emissions to help limit our impact on the environment.

What Did Pentair Do in 2023 to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

We are pleased to share that in 2023, Pentair’s total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions decreased 30.9% compared to our baseline set in 2019, primarily through the use of renewable electricity and energy efficiency efforts. Pentair’s LCTP guides our approach to reducing GHG emissions in our facilities. Our LCTP focuses on energy efficiency, electrification, on-site generation, and process emissions, each with associated site guidelines. We also introduced new requirements for our manufacturing sites, including implementation of specific energy reduction practices and electrification of new equipment.

One important step that we took in 2023 was the successful elimination of sulfur hexafluoride, a fluorinated gas that contributes to Scope 1 GHG emissions, from a testing process at our site in Chardon, Ohio. 

We are proud of our progress in 2023 as we have our greenhouse gas strategic target in focus.

Making Better Essential

At Pentair, our sustainability efforts are guided by Making Better Essential. The decisions we make, the products we create, the solutions we offer, and the partnerships we form, are opportunities to make the world better. Central to our purpose, we take this responsibility seriously as we believe that making life better for people and our planet is essential.


Our annual Corporate Responsibility Report showcases our efforts to support a more sustainable future and includes GRI and other disclosure metrics. 


Our Highlights Report captures our progress toward Making Better Essential. 

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